5 BTS Songs Whose Melodies Are Completely Opposed To Their Lyrics

As musicians, perhaps the greatest strength of bts is the variety offered by his discography. In terms of genre and theme, the band’s songs cover a wider base than many established artists. One of the interesting aspects of this massive work is how BTS can link a song with polar opposite vibes in their melodies and lyrics.

Here are the 5 BTS songs that will give you a boost when you read their lyrics:

1. go go

The catchy and fun melody of “Go Go” makes it a perfect uplifting song for anyone. That’s until you understand the lyrics. “Leave me alone even if I spend too much, / even if tomorrow morning I write off my savings in installments like crazy / WOO there is no tomorrow / My future is already in jeopardy” – the song essentially describes the financial despair in which this generation lives.

There is no tomorrow, you buy your present keeping your future as collateral. A student goes to school in search of a better future and then spends the future paying off his student loan debt. The song captures this grim reality and somehow manages to turn it into a BOP you can floss to.

2. House of Cards

The sultry melody, slow dramatic instrumental and deep vocals of this song are very convincing to make you believe this is a sexy song. But again, the lyrics will take your mind in a completely different direction.

We won’t work in the end / Still, I’m still waiting / As long as I’m with you in the end too, I’m fine“- these lyrics indicate a toxic relationship that is like a house of cards, destined to collapse in the end. But despite knowing this truth, the people in the relationship cling on because letting go is scarier, even if it means no one survives in the end.

3. Pied Piper of Hamelin

There’s probably some heavenly joy BTS gets from making a song extremely sexy and then recording it with completely simple lyrics. “Pied Piper” sounds like what it must be like to be serenaded by seven extremely handsome men. But one look at the lyrics and you realize they’re asking you to go back to school-

Stop, now stop searching and study for your exam
Your parents and your boss hate me.
Video clips, photos, tweets
App V, have a good trip
I know you can’t help what you love
But stop, put the music video later.

BRB, feeling extremely called.

4. Silver Spoon/ baepsae

This song could also become an anthem for the fandom, and BTS is responsible for it! But in the midst of all the aggressive divisions Expect bursts in as he performs the song, there’s a powerful lyricism lurking in the middle.

“Change the rules, change, change
Storks want to keep

But I can’t let them have it BANG BANG
It is not normal”

The song uses the analogy between short-legged crows and long-legged storks to paint the grim reality of an unequal society. The stork, born with the advantage of long legs, progresses more than a crow and wants it to continue. But every once in a while, the downtrodden crow rebels to overthrow the structure.


At first glance, this is a funny song that uses the motif of the popular Japanese animation superhero. anpanman. Nobody can blame you if you send him back on the dance floor with his tracks for a bit because it’s What leading. But trust and believe once you understand the lyrical theme there is no turning back.

jimin explained the song’s theme very specifically in an interview, saying, “Anpanman is the weakest hero in the world. He has no supernatural powers, but he is a hero who tears himself apart to feed someone who is hungry. We put our hearts into the song that we want to give hope and energy to our fans, only with our music and performances..”

When you match this explanation with these letters-

“All I can give you is Anpan
And a word “you worked hard”,
But I will fly to you immediately if you call me
please call me

it’s impossible not to feel incredibly emotional as ARMY.

BTS really took the concept of “opening up to surprises” to another level with these songs.

Character font: Interview with Jimin

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