6 Times Jungkook Instinctively Protected His BTS Members

jungkookit is bts members are not just colleagues; his best friends, hyungs (older brothers) who raised him during his apprenticeship years. Here are 6 times he protected them in public and behind the scenes.

1. This time, he became Jin’s personal bodyguard.

As the crowd thickened at an airport, Jungkook raised his arm to lead the way to Jin.

he gave his hyung the VIP treatment pampering himself with him, making Jin laugh in the middle of a crazy situation.

2. No pictures please!

In 2016, Jungkook decided to have fun with the paparazzi while BTS walked through the airport.

Like a bodyguard, he put his arm around jimin and used his other hand as a shield…

…to block the camera flashes of journalists. A mask can’t hide that mischievous smile in his eyes!

3. When he protected Suga and Jimin from virtual dangers

in an episode of Run BTS!, members played virtual reality games that sometimes felt eerily real. In this clip, Jungkook casually used his body to keep Suga and Jimin instead.

4. This time he wasn’t ready to let a bug attack J-Hope

Expect it is Nope insect fanatic, but don’t worry. During Have a good trip, The insect killer Jungkook was there to eliminate all threats!

5. Paving the way

Once again, Jungkook took on the role of bodyguard to escort Jimin through the crowd. Jimin held his arm as Jungkook walked forward, leading the way.

6. Take care of V

When v didn’t feel well during the trip, Jungkook stayed by her side and kept an eye out for any issues. He is that caring friend that we all need in our lives!

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