Seo Min Jae Drops Violence And Drug Charges Against Boyfriend Nam Tae Hyun After One Day

Seo Min Jae and Nam Tae Hyun have been making a lot of noise over the past few days…

On August 20, the young woman who appeared in ‘Heart Signal 3’ posted on Instagram, “Nam Tae Hyun takes drugs. And I have the needle he used either in my bedroom or in my office cabinet. And he hits me.”

Soon after, she deleted her post, but Yongsan Police Station announced on August 21 that it had started investigating the allegations against Nam Tae Hyun.

“We are investigating to verify the facts before making an accusation”said a police spokesman.

However, one day after making allegations of physical abuse and drug use against her boyfriend Nam Tae Hyun, Seo Min Jae finally issued an apology, stating that her allegations from the day before were false.

In her message posted on August 21, she wrote:

“Hello, this is Seo Min Jae.

I am writing this statement to talk about what happened yesterday.

First of all, I had a fight with my boyfriend yesterday because of our mutual misdeeds.

At the time, due to stress, I took more than the prescribed dose of a psychiatric drug, so I lost control of my senses to the point where I still can’t remember exactly what happened. past.

As a result, I posted a message that was not the truth, and I also injured myself by mistake, so I am currently in the hospital. I ended up posting this statement late because I was receiving treatment.

So we made up.

I am so sorry to have worried many people.”

Shortly after, Nam Tae Hyun himself said on Instagram:

“Hello. This is Nam Tae Hyun.

I apologize to those people who must have been shocked by yesterday’s incident.

It was a fight between lovers, but we have since reconciled.

I sincerely apologize for worrying so many people because of a personal issue.”

Source: edaily


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