Park Min Young Announces Breakup With Boyfriend After His Crimes Revealed

Park Min Young’s agency has shared a statement regarding the recent dating rumors about her.

On September 28, Dispatch reported that the actress was in a relationship with Kang Jong Hyeon, a wealthy businessman who is believed to be linked to Burning Sun, the club that was at the center of terrible stories in 2019.

Photos had also been revealed showing Park Min Young with the man in question.

It was also reported by SBS on September 29 that Park Min Young’s older sister was an outside director of INBIOGEN, one of the companies listed on Kang Jong Hyeon’s business card, of which he is supposedly the CEO, even. if it is not listed anywhere as such.

From 2013 to 2014, Kang Jong Hyeon had embezzled 3.5 billion won (about 2.5 million euros) and had been prosecuted for making false documents.

In 2016, he was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months suspended prison sentence. He also incurred more than 12 billion won (8.6 million euros) in debt in the same year.

From 2016 to 2020, it had then completely disappeared from circulation.

He has since returned to business and presents himself as CEO of Vidente, INBIOGEN, Bucket STUDIO and Bithumb LIVE, although his name does not appear publicly in the records of any of these companies.

In this very strange climate around him, Park Min Young revealed that he broke up with him.

The actress’ agency released the following statement:

“This is Hook Entertainment CEO Kwon Jin Young.

Regarding the news of actress Park Min Young, we apologize for the late statement as it took the agency some time to confirm the facts.

First, Park Min Young broke up with the individual mentioned in the dating rumors.

Moreover, it is not at all true that actress Park Min Young received significant monetary benefits from the individual.

His older sister, Ms. Park, has also announced her intention to resign as external director of INBIOGEN.

For actress Park Min Young, it is currently her top priority to successfully complete filming for her ongoing drama “Love in Contract,” so she will do her best not to harm the drama.

In addition, the actress will be more careful about her actions as well as those of her family and all those related to her to show seriousness as an actress and a public figure.

We once again ask for your generous understanding so that actress Park Min Young can fully concentrate on the rest of the filming of her drama.”

Sources: starnews, dispatch


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