Military Manpower Administration Chief Believes BTS Should Do Military Service

BTS’s military service continues to be talked about a lot.

Recently, it was announced that the Ministry of Defense wanted to conduct a public survey to find out the opinion of the South Korean people on a possible military exemption from the boygroup.

A few days later, the poll was finally canceled following the many criticisms surrounding this decision.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism declared that a decision would be taken on the subject by December.

Recently, it was then the head of the military manpower administration who gave his opinion on the subject.

On October 7, a national audit of the Military Manpower Administration by the National Defense Committee took place at the National Assembly.

The head of the military manpower administration, Lee Ki Sik, said then: “Resources for military service are dwindling.”

In this sense, he then added: “I think it’s desirable for BTS to do their military service as well.”

Members of the National Defense Commission have also expressed opinions in favor of enlisting BTS.

Specifically, representative Han Ki Ho referred to BTS’s lyrics, saying: “They themselves said they would do their duty when the nation called them.”

On the other hand, the Democratic Party believes that it would be an economic loss for the country to see BTS go to the army and fears that the group will separate for too long a period in the event of departures to the army of members.

So the debate continues as we approach the final decision on this.

Source: xportsnews


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