Comedian Lee Young Ja is slammed for her bad table manners

In entertainment, comedians are constantly struggling with changing audience tastes. Comedic tropes that were acceptable as funny just a few months ago are sometimes seen as die of shame Where worthy of cancellation.

looks like a comedian Lee YoungJa is the latest comedian to fall victim to an entrenched trope that is now seen as the complete opposite.

On the August 13 episode of MBC’s The Manager, the cast Lee Jung Jae Yes Jung Woo Sung ate naengmyun with comedian Lee Young Ja.

Lee Young Ja (left) with Lee Jung Jae (back, right) and Jung Woo Sung (front, right) |

naengmyun they are cold noodles eaten in a cold beef broth or tossed in a spicy marinade. Noodles are popular with Koreans and are a popular summer menu.

That day, netizens reacted to the contrast in eating styles between Lee Young Ja and Lee Jung Jae. Lee Jung Jae ate his noodles without sucking them and took a bite out of them with his teeth. The actor ate calmly and with his head bowed.

Lee Young Ja, on the other hand, replied that the noodles should be eaten out loud. The comedian was seen loudly sucking on her noodles, shocking Lee Jung Jae.

Wow, I can’t stop watching you eat.

—Lee Jungjae

Panelists commenting on the segment gave Lee Young Ja one-sided praise and said that sucking is the right way to eat noodles. Netizens, however, disagreed.

Netizens said that while Lee Jung Jae displayed table manners, Lee Young Ja did not.

  • “Slurping makes you feel like you don’t even have table manners.”
  • “Children these days are proud to sip their noodles. TV shows influence them directly.
  • “I don’t know why TV shows make sipping seem normal. I would hate to eat with someone who sucks their noodles.
  • “It makes them look lower class.”
  • “They shouldn’t normalize slurping on TV. Children who are still learning table manners will be influenced.
  • “It’s dirty and noisy. I learned that making noise while eating is rude. TV shows ruin table manners.
  • “Since when did slurping become a trend?
  • “When I was a child, I was scolded by adults for making noise while eating.”

As many netizens have pointed out, this isn’t the first time slurp noodles have featured prominently on TV. However, what netizens haven’t said is that there have been comedians who have gone viral for sucking their noodles. Additionally, the comedian looking gorgeous with his food in contrast to the table manners of an actor or idol is a long-standing trope in Korean comedy.

What are your thoughts? Is this a case of bad manners or a case of changing tastes?

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