Don Spike arrested for drug use three months after his wedding

Don Spike has been arrested.

On September 27, the media revealed that the police had arrested a celebrity for drug use.

According to the information revealed by the media, it would be a man in his forties, known to be a famous singer and composer in the South Korean music industry.

Police arrested the suspect on September 26 at around 8 p.m. at a hotel in Gangnam.

It was by questioning another suspect that the authorities had been put on the track of the man in question, discovering that he would have consumed methamphetamine on several occasions.

Screening tests will be conducted on the man and the investigation will continue in the coming weeks.


A few hours after these anonymous revelations, it was discovered that the man in question was actually Don Spike.

He had been talked about this year because his wedding took place last June.

Source: sbsenews


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