Golden Child’s Bomin to undergo surgery for facial fracture

giftedit is hello undergo surgery after being hit in the face with a wooden golf club, causing a broken bone.

In a press release published on the group’s page Wevers page, entertainment shared Bomin’s diagnosis.

Hello, I am Woollim Entertainment.

First of all, we would like to share some sudden and unfortunate news for the fans who have always shown their love and support for Golden Child.

On the afternoon of September 28, Bomin was hit in the face with a wooden golf club someone else was using during a practice session for one of Bomin’s personal schedules. We immediately carried out emergency treatment and a detailed examination.

Based on the medical staff’s diagnosis, surgery was recommended for his facial fracture and we are currently coordinating an operation date.

Following the doctor’s recommendation that Bomin should undergo rehabilitation after surgery, Bomin will focus on treatment and recovery for now.

It will therefore be difficult for him to participate in Golden Child’s schedules at the moment and we will inform you of his return to activities in the future.

We would like to apologize again for worrying so many fans who were worried by this sudden news.

We will do our best to make Bomin’s treatment and health our top priority to help him get back on his feet.


— Woollim Entertainment

Golden Child made their comeback on August 8 with “Replay” and have a concert scheduled in Manila in October.

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