Heo Chan Suspends Activities With VICTON After Drunk Driving Arrested

Heo Chan suspends his career with VICTON.

On September 22, IST Entertainment announced that the young man had been arrested while drunk driving his car, and that he was going to suspend his activities with the group.

In a statement, the agency said:

“Hello, this is IST Entertainment.

To all fans who love VICTON, we would like to inform you of an unfortunate incident that happened recently.

First of all, we bow our heads and apologize for having to bring you this bad news.

Our artist Heo Chan was on his way home from meeting friends on the morning of September 20, when he was stopped by the police.

Arrested while drunk driving his car, he is currently at the heart of a police investigation.

He is subject to various measures, including having his license revoked, and he plans to participate seriously and honestly in the investigation.

Heo Chan deeply regrets his bad deeds and seriously reflects on what he did that should never have been done.

He apologizes for the hurt he is causing his fans and those involved.

Heo Chan will be suspending his activities with the group starting today.

The agency apologizes for upsetting fans with this sudden announcement.

We will do our best not to disappoint you with similar incidents by doing everything to prevent such mistakes from being made.

We inform you that VICTON’s concert and the group’s future activities will be held with five members, without Heo Chan, following the suspension of its activities.

Once again, we apologize to the fans for this unfortunate incident.



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