JYP Entertainment Apologizes For Mistreatment Of Stray Kids Fans At ISAC

JYP Entertainment has issued an apology to Stray Kids fans.

On August 2, the agency apologized for its mistreatment of Stray Kids fans during the filming of the ISAC (Idol Star Athletics Championships).

The company said:

“Hello, this is JYP Entertainment.

We would like to apologize that the procedures at this year’s ISAC 2022 did not go smoothly.

Firstly, regarding the issue of the cost of the fanclub banner, we apologize for hurting the fans with the agency’s incorrect procedures, when we should have been grateful for the efforts of the fans.

We have issued a separate apology via email to the fan who participated in the creation of the banner, and we would like to take this opportunity to express our apologies again.

Additionally, we would like to address the issue regarding some comments made by the staff during ISAC check-in and apologize.

Earlier, we discovered on social media that a staff member had threatened fans by saying he would “read fan letters out loud” if fans didn’t stop filming, and our management team fans confirmed this to be true.

In activities that involve a large number of participants, including outdoor events or broadcasts, the agency generally uses outside personnel to ensure that fans can participate in events safely.

We have now discovered that the above issue was the result of an improper decision made by a staff member of an external security company.

Nevertheless, the agency feels there is a greater fault in our inability to properly manage external staff, and so we would like to take this opportunity to offer a sincere apology to all fans who felt bad about the job. ease, and to those who have not been able to enjoy this event to its full extent due to the things that have happened.

Now, the agency promises to be extra careful so those who send their warm love to Stray Kids won’t feel any discomfort.


Source: jype


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