LOONA’s Yves apologizes for using embarrassing cartoon character as profile picture

LOONAit is yves He quickly apologized for changing his profile picture to a cartoon character that some have called embarrassing.

yves | creative block

On July 28, LOONA’s Yves communicated with fans via the FAB app. That day, she shared a photo of her swollen lips due to an allergic reaction.

yves | elqoo

In the photo, the idol can be seen with noticeably swollen lips. One fan noted that her lips reminded them of a cartoon character, Koh EunaeLips of Ko Eunae is a cartoon character from a popular early 90s cartoon called Dallulah Hani (translated by Run Hani).

The problem arose when Yves decided to use a photo of the character as his profile picture. Some international fans saw the cartoon character’s hair and lips and declared the image offensive.

Koh Eunae |

Although Ko Eunae is a Korean character, some fans have found the character problematic as the cartoon character shares similar traits to racist cartoons of African Americans once shown in the United States.

Racist cartoon | Uncut Funk Museum

Yves de LOONA quickly changed his profile and apologized.

I see you are upset that I used a picture of Ko Eunae as my profile picture. I used the image because the anime the character is from was very popular in Korea. I apologize to those I have disturbed. In the future I will check if a cartoon character is offensive.

— Yves

Hopefully the idol has learned from the incident and will be more careful in the future.

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