Starship Updates Legal Actions to Protect Artists

Starship Entertainment has released an update regarding the protection of its artists.

In the past, the agency announced that it was taking steps to combat online attacks targeting its artists.

On September 22, the agency then gave news of its legal actions.

The company said:

“Hello, this is Starship Entertainment.

We inform you that we will take severe legal action in response to malicious defamation, spreading lies, personal attacks, defamation and malicious comments related to our artists that are currently being disseminated online and on social media.

We are currently in the process of prosecuting chronic offenders who regularly post malicious comments, and the prosecution has demanded a six-month sentence, employment restrictions and registration on the official sex offender website. We are currently awaiting final judgment.

We plan to continuously take all possible legal action against any future defamation of our artists or additional cases of damages, without making any agreements.

Additionally, we will work with ChildFund Korea, which was established to prevent cyberbullying and help heal victims, to actively spread a culture of non-violence.

As the reports and evidence sent to us by fans have been of great help in our legal preparations and responses, we ask that you continue to send us reports.



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